73.270 Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae (Linnaeus, 1761)
Similar species: This moth is unlikely to be mistaken for any other British or Irish species.
Forewing: 16 to 21mm
Habitats: A wide range of grassland, woodland, scrub and hedgerow habitats, including gardens.
Habits: The moth nectars at flowers and is attracted to sugar and light.
Foodplant: The polyphagous larva feeds throughout the day and night on Broad-leaved Dock, other docks, Common Nettle, Hop, Dandelion, Groundsel, plantains, Field Bindweed, Common Toadflax, Michaelmas Daisy, sow-thistles, Garden Lettuce, sallow, birches, Ivy, Elder, Black Currant, willows, larch seedlings, Barberry, Hazel and other woody and herbaceous plants. It pupates in a cocoon under the soil.
On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Raspberry, Deadly Nightshade, Enchanter's Nightshade, ragworts, Bog Bilberry, Bird Cherry and Grey Alder.