73.323 Sand Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 73.323 Sand Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 73.323 Sand Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 73.323 Sand Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 73.323 Sand Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 73.323 Sand Dart and Coast Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.323 Sand Dart Copyright Martin Evans


73.323 Sand Dart Agrotis ripae (Hübner, [1823])

Notable B

Similar species: Coast Dart Euxoa cursoria can be similar, but this has a larger kidney mark and oval and usually stronger cross-lines.

Forewing: 14 to 18mm

Habitats: The outer edge of coastal sand-dunes, just above the strand line.

Habits: The moth is easily found just after dark flying over the foodplants along the outer edge of sand-dunes or feeding at the flowers of Marram and ragwort. It is attracted to sugar and light.

Foodplant: The nocturnal larva feeds on Red Goosefoot, Common Orache, Prickly Saltwort, Sea-purslane, Annual Sea-blite, Sea Holly, Sea Bindweed, Sea Buckthorn suckers, Sea Rocket, Sea Milkwort and other herbaceous shore plants. It hides in the sand during the day. In captivity the larger larva will accept sliced Carrot. The full-fed larva forms a cocoon deep in the sand where it overwinters, but not pupating until spring.