73.349 Stout Dart Spaelotis ravida ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Similar species: A large grey-brown moth similar in shape to Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba with a thick, wavy and pale basal cross-line, inner and outer central cross-line and outer cross-line. It also has a pale oval and kidney. On greyer moths there is a black, broad bar running from the outer central cross-line through the kidney mark and oval becoming narrow after passing the inner central cross-line. There is also a black basal streak on the greyer moths which is often absent on the browner form.
Forewing: 18 to 22mm
Habitats: Marshy grassland, the drier edge of marshes and occasionally drier sites including gardens. In east and south-east Europe the species inhabits sand-dunes and sandy grassland.
Habits: The moth visits the flowers of Common Reed, Red Valerian and other flowers. It is attracted to sugar and light.
Foodplant: In captivity the larva feeds at first on the leaves and then the roots of Dandelion, docks and sow-thistles. It probably pupates under the soil.
On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Wormwood, thistles and sorrels.