Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans


04.047 Shining Bramble Dot Stigmella splendidissimella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855)


Similar species:

Forewing: 2 to 2.5mm

Habitats: Woodland clearings and rides, wetlands and mountain slopes.

Habits: The moth has only one brood on the high ground of Scotland.

Foodplant: The larva forms a winding gallery mine with linear frass in a leaf of Dewberry, Bramble, Raspberry, Wild Strawberry, Silverweed, Wood Avens, Common Agrimony or Meadowsweet. The mine is usually found in shady conditions. The gallery makes a turn in its first centimetre and often crosses itself, but rarely crosses the midrib. It pupates in a cocoon in the leaf litter.