11.009 Luffia lapidella larva 5mm Copyright Martin Evans
 11.009 Luffia lapidella larva 5mm Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  11.009 Luffia lapidella larva 5mm Copyright Martin Evans


11.009 Ramshorn Bagworm Luffia lapidella (Goeze, 1783)


Similar species:

Forewing: M 5 to 7mm, F wingless. There is a common parthenogenetic and wingless form that was previously thought to be a different species (Luffia ferchaultella).

Habitats: Wherever suitable substrate is present.


Foodplant: The larva overwinters while small and feeds on lichens growing on rocks, walls and wood in exposed, sunny situations. It pupates in the larval case attached to the feeding place. The male pupal case is left half protruding from the larval case on emergence. The females pupal case remains in the larval case.