12.017 Nemapogon koenigi Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  12.017 Nemapogon koenigi Copyright Martin Evans


12.017 White-speckled Fungus Moth Nemapogon koenigi Capuşe, 1967

Notable B

Similar species:

Forewing: 5 to 6.5mm

Habitats: Deciduous woodland.

Habits: The moth sometimes flies in the day. It will occasionally come to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds in flimsy silk tubes within bracket fungus such as Birch Polypore Fomitopsis betulina and Birch Woodwart Annulohypoxylon multiforme and the dead wood on which they live. It pupates in a silk cocoon in the fungus or surrounding dead wood.