14.004 Canaries Tuft Bucculatrix chrysanthemella Rebel, 1896
Similar species:
Forewing: 2.5 to 3.5mm
Habitats: Gardens in Britain. It was probably imported with Marguerites.
Habits: The moth will come to light. The first British record was in 2009. There have been many records in Belgium and Holland since then. It is thought that it can temporarily survive some of the milder winters over the last few years.
Foodplant: The early stages are not recorded in Britain and Ireland. On the European mainland it at first mines a long gallery with a black central line in the leaves of Marguerite Daisy or Canary Tansy. The older larvae make fleck mines by mining the leaf tissue after slicing open the leaf margin. It pupates in a strong off-white cocoon at the tip of a leaf.