32.034 Agonopterix cnicella feeding signs Copyright Martin Evans
 32.034 Agonopterix cnicella larva Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  32.034 Agonopterix cnicella Copyright Martin Evans


32.034 Sea-holly Brown Agonopterix cnicella (Treitschke, 1832)

Notable A

Similar species:

Forewing: 8.5 to 10.5mm

Habitats: Sand-dunes, sandy coastal turf and shingle beaches.

Habits: The moth occasionally comes to light.

Foodplant: The larvae feed gregariously on Sea-holly. They roll the leaves and spin the shoots, which sometimes causes a brown discolouration where they have fed. The larvae pupate in the sand at the base of the foodplant.