49.090 Eulia ministrana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  49.090 Eulia ministrana Copyright Martin Evans


49.090 The Minister Eulia ministrana (Linnaeus, 1758)


Similar species:

Forewing: 8 to 10mm

Habitats: Woodland, scrub, hedgerows, trees in mosses and bogs.

Habits: The moth is easily disturbed in the day. It flies high around the trees at sunset and later comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva at first feed on the tip of a leaf, then in a tubular spinning of two leaves left open at each end. The foodplants are Hazel, Ash, Purging Buckthorn, Sorbus, Blackthorn, Alder, Bilberry and mainly birches in Scotland. It pupates after overwintering as a full-fed larva in its tubular spinning with the ends sealed.