49.240 Epinotia immundana Copyright Martin Evans
 49.240 Epinotia immundana Copyright Martin Evans
 49.240 Epinotia immundana Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  49.240 Epinotia immundana Copyright Martin Evans


49.240 Birch Tortrix Epinotia immundana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1839)


Similar species:

Forewing: 5.5 to 6.5mm

Habitats: Open woodland, moorland, heathland, sand-dunes, river-banks, margins of streams, chalk pits and gardens.

Habits: The moth rests on tree trunks during the day. It flies around the trees at dusk and later comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds in the catkins and buds of Alder and birches. The larvae in the partial generation in July feed in the rolled leaves. Pupation takes place in a cocoon in the leaf litter, under moss or in the earth.