Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans


62.0505 Citrus Stub Moth Euzopherodes vapidella (Mann, 1857)

Immigrant or Adventive?

Similar species: Ephestia woodiella and other Ephestia spp.

Forewing: Males 5 to 6.5. Females 6.5 to 7.5mm.

Habitats: The species is found in arid areas in Europe from Portugal to Switzerland and on to the Middle East as well as West Africa.

Habits: The first British record of this species was at Bishops Stortford Cemetery on 19th June 2021.

Foodplant: The adult female lays her eggs in the wounds on damaged olives, on the stubs left from pruned citrus or on the wounds on tubers of stored yams (although they can also pierce the yam tubers to lay eggs). The larvae feed under silk on the yams where they tunnel into the tuber. On citrus or olives they feed under the bark near the site of entry. Younger trees may be killed. It also feeds on Carob also known as Locust Tree which is sometimes grown as an ornamental in Britain. In its warmer native climate the whole lifecycle may be complete in four weeks and there may be four or five generations in a season.