70.065 Sharp-angled Carpet Euphyia unangulata (Haworth, 1809)
Similar species: White-banded Carpet Spargania luctuata has a multi-pointed projection on the outer edge of the cross-band, smaller projections each side of it and a darker outer area to all four wings. Cloaked Carpet Euphyia biangulata has a double projection on the outer edge of the cross-band and greenish inner and outer areas to the forewing.
Forewing: 13 to 16mm
Habitats: Woodland and mature hedgerows with trees.
Habits: The moth is occasionally disturbed from bushes during the day. It flies from dusk and comes sparingly to light.
Foodplant: The early stages have not been recorded in Britain and Ireland in the wild. In captivity it will accept Common Chickweed and stitchworts.