70.181 Valerian Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 70.181 Valerian Pug and Common Pug Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.181 Valerian Pug Copyright Martin Evans


70.181 Valerian Pug Eupithecia valerianata (Hübner, [1813])

Notable B

Similar species: Common Pug Eupithecia vulgata is larger (10 to 12mm) with a more red-brown forewing and an indented outer edge to the cross-band where it reaches the leading edge.

Forewing: 8 to 10mm

Habitats: Fens, marshes, broads, damp woodland rides, limestone gorges and quarries.

Habits: The moth flies at dusk when it can also be found resting on the flowers of the foodplant. It comes sparingly to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the flowers and ripening seeds of Common Valerian. It pupates in the leaf litter.