70.287 Annulet Copyright Martin Evans
 70.287 Annulet Copyright Martin Evans
 70.287 Annulet and Scotch Annulet Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  70.287 Annulet Copyright Martin Evans


70.287 Annulet Charissa obscurata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)


Similar species: Scotch Annulet Gnophos obfuscata is on average larger (17 to 21mm), has a concave leading edge to the forewing and has less scalloped hindwings.

Forewing: 15 to 18mm

Habitats: Coastal slopes with outcrops of rock, sea-cliffs and sandy areas. Inland it can be found in quarries, calcareous grassland, moorland and heathland.

Habits: The moth is easily disturbed during the day from bare areas of rock or soil. It can also be found in rock crevices. It nectars at thistles and other flowers and comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on Heather, Salad Burnet, Shining Crane's-bill, Common Rock-rose, Sea Campion, Thrift, Wild Strawberry, Wild Thyme, Creeping Cinquefoil, Common Bird's-foot Trefoil, Kidney Vetch and probably other vetches, trefoils and herbaceous plants. In captivity it will accept cultivated Garden Strawberry. It pupates in the leaf litter or in loose soil.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on bellflowers, plantains, sorrel and Bramble.