72.063 Blackneck Copyright Martin Evans
 72.063 Blackneck and Scarce Blackneck Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  72.063 Blackneck Copyright Martin Evans


72.063 Blackneck Lygephila pastinum (Treitschke, 1826)


Similar species: Scarce Blackneck Lygephila craccae has a brown kidney mark with a broken black marking on the inner edge. It also has dark spots along the leading edge of the wing.

Forewing: 18 to 21mm

Habitats: Open woodland rides and margins, damp unimproved meadows, watermeadows, marshes, fens and also drier hay meadows and calcareous grassland.

Habits: The moth is easily disturbed during the day. It flies from dusk when it visits flowers. It comes to light.

Foodplant: The nocturnal larva feeds on Tufted Vetch, Marsh Pea and Wild Liquorice. During the day it hides low down on the foodplant. It pupates in the leaf litter or just under the soil surface.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Meadow Vetchling.