72.070 Olive Crescent Copyright Martin Evans
 72.070 Olive Crescent and Clay Fan-foot Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  72.070 Olive Crescent Copyright Martin Evans


72.070 Olive Crescent Trisateles emortualis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

RDB / suspected Immigrant

Similar species: Clay Fan-foot Paracolax tristalis is clay-orange in colour rather than dull brown to olive-green and the bend in the outer cross-line occurs further from the leading edge.

Forewing: 13 to 15mm

Habitats: Mature deciduous woodland.

Habits: The moth comes to light.

Foodplant: The larva feeds on the withered leaves of oaks, Beech or Sweet Chestnut on damaged branches and newly fallen twigs. It pupates in a cocoon between dead leaves or in the leaf litter.

On the European mainland it has also been recorded feeding on Hornbeam and brambles.