Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans


72.077 Minsmere Crimson Underwing Catocala coniuncta (Esper, 1787)


Similar species: The inner central cross-line of the forewing runs smoothly from the leading edge only looping slightly outward just before reaching the trailing edge. The wing has a pale band to the outer side of this line. Light Crimson Underwing Catocala promissa is on average slightly larger (25 to 32mm) and also has a lighter band on the outside of the more wavy inner central cross-line which has two noticeable outward loops before it reaches the trailing edge.

Forewing: 21 to 29mm

Habitats: In southern Europe it inhabits scrub on dry sunny slopes and the sunny margins of forest.

Habits: The moth comes to light and sugar. One record in Britain on 14th September 2004.

Foodplant: The early stages have not been recorded in Britain. On the European mainland the larva feeds on Evergreen Oak and Kermes Oak. It pupates spun between leaves.