73.325 	Shuttle-shaped Dart male Copyright Martin Evans
 73.325 	Shuttle-shaped Dart female Copyright Martin Evans
 73.325 	Shuttle-shaped Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 73.325 	Shuttle-shaped Dart female Copyright Martin Evans
 73.325 	Shuttle-shaped Dart Copyright Martin Evans
 Distribution map Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans
 Life stages table Copyright Martin Evans  73.325 	Shuttle-shaped Dart male Copyright Martin Evans


73.325 Shuttle-shaped Dart Agrotis puta puta (Hübner, [1803])


Agrotis puta insula Richardson, 1958

Scilly Isles

Similar species: If care is taken this moth is unlikely to be mistaken for any other British or Irish species.

Forewing: 12 to 16mm

Habitats: Open woodland, marshland, heathland, coastal cliffs, sand-dunes, arable land, grasslands, wasteground and gardens.

Habits: The moth visits ragworts, Buddleia and other flowers after dark. It is attracted to sugar and light.

Foodplant: The polyphagous larva feeds on Dandelion, plantains, docks, Knotgrass, lettuce and other low growing plants. It pupates in an earthen cocoon under the soil.