73.133 Fabula zollikoferi
70.269 Fagivorina arenaria
65.001 Falcaria lacertinaria
70.035 False Mocha
72.053 Fan-foot
70.260 Feathered Beauty
73.230 Feathered Brindle
73.262 Feathered Ear
72.033 Feathered Footman
73.253 Feathered Gothic
73.235 Feathered Ranunculus
70.244 Feathered Thorn
71.004 Feline
73.335 Fen Square-spot
73.137 Fen Wainscot
73.150 Fenn's Wainscot
70.127 Fern
53.001 Festoon
52.015 Fiery Clearwing
73.033 Figure of Eight
65.010 Figure of Eighty
70.080 Fir Carpet
73.122 Fisher's Estuarine Moth
73.222 Fissipunctia ypsillon
54.010 Five-spot Burnet
73.328 Flame
73.229 Flame Brocade
70.053 Flame Carpet
73.329 Flame Shoulder
73.305 Flame Wainscot
73.188 Flounced Chestnut
73.131 Flounced Rustic
54.002 Forester
70.044 Fortified Carpet
72.038 Four-dotted Footman
73.031 Four-spotted
72.041 Four-spotted Footman
66.008 Fox Moth
70.151 Foxglove Pug
72.080 French Red Underwing
65.015 Frosted Green
73.121 Frosted Orange
70.220 Frosted Yellow
71.006 Furcula bicuspis
71.007 Furcula bifida
71.005 Furcula furcula